Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Purpose

   My main goal of creating this blog is to talk about and share my knowledge of catch wrestling. I have learned from CACC and Olympic wrestling coaches, bjj world champions and from my dad. I would not consider myself a purist with slick authentic CACC, but i do find my Sub-grappling game to be most compatible with Catch. Simply put... a Dirty Wrestler.  
   Before I being sharing moves (videos, pics and notes) I thought I'd get started by posting some journal entries as I prepare for my first grappling tournament in a LONG time. This will be my first no-gi submission tournament as well. I will talk about the workouts (fitness and wrestling) and how the weight cut has been affecting me. 
   I began the cut at 178lbs and fairly lean (eating Paleo helps) I'll be competing at 160lbs. Not belonging to a gym, I roll when i can with some buddies, part of the time teaching part sparing, but the bulk of my preparations will be cardio. Lots of sprint work with weight vests, sand bags and rowing coupled with the grinding slow and long workouts to get the fat burning. 
   Now I have to figure out a way to hold my own without the benefit of Toe Holds and neck cranks.